

I visited my account site and am wondering what it means to be a Top 2 Veteran and a Level 5 Customer.  Would you please explain this to me?


Thank you.

on Apr 27, 2010

Top 2 means you've been part of the site for 2 years. Next year it will say Top 3 Elder (interesting technical info: there is an alt text on the image, but it doesn't show on mouseover since it's using the ALT attribute for display when images are disabled/missing/loading. For example, for Top 3 Elder, the alt text is: Award - Elder Status: Member for at least 3 year)

Level 5 is the customer level, the number itself is just an internal value that isn't really important to users. The levels are:

  1. Unknown (usually for Exiled users, i.e. banned)
  2. Visitor
  3. Past Customer
  4. Current Customer
  5. Subscriber
on Apr 28, 2010

Thank you very much Littleboy for the explanation.

on Mar 29, 2012

So what is the next one after top 3 elder then? I have been doing this for 6 years... lol




on Mar 30, 2012

It's no longer active.