I visited my account site and am wondering what it means to be a Top 2 Veteran and a Level 5 Customer. Would you please explain this to me?
Thank you.
Top 2 means you've been part of the site for 2 years. Next year it will say Top 3 Elder (interesting technical info: there is an alt text on the image, but it doesn't show on mouseover since it's using the ALT attribute for display when images are disabled/missing/loading. For example, for Top 3 Elder, the alt text is: Award - Elder Status: Member for at least 3 year)
Level 5 is the customer level, the number itself is just an internal value that isn't really important to users. The levels are:
Thank you very much Littleboy for the explanation.
So what is the next one after top 3 elder then? I have been doing this for 6 years... lol
It's no longer active.